Salvation + extra PCB + 2 keycap set


Product Details


  • Board: Samurai Blue Salvation [Condition:  Has no visible scuffs outside.  Internal has ano hook marks on the sides like other Salvations that's not visible when built, and 4 dotted scuff on the weight (due to the soldered plateless PCB.  Included a picture of the internal).
  • PCB: DZ60RGB-WKL (hotswap, forced split backspace, 7u spacebar, and normal caps.).  Plus an extra WT60-C PCB (solder.  Used and desoldered.)
  • Stabilizers: TX AP clip-in (lubed with 205g0 on the stem and housing.  BDZ on the wires.)
  • Switches: Zenclack Pleiades switches + 11 extras.  (Fixed batch.  SS to 55g TX medium.  Lubed lightly with 205g0, and 105 on the springs.
  • Keycaps: EPBT WOB and Maxkey SA Dark Night

Containers included.

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